A collection of information on supernatural and mystical creatures, spells, potions, and magic.
Please, take care of the Book Of The Supernatural, as there is only one existing of it's kind.
If the Book allows you to take it into your hands, and lets you translate it, instead of impelling you with black magic, and sending you to the Underworld, you may begin reading it.
Table of Contents:
Chapter One; White Creatures, informations and preview of behaviour.
Chapter Two; Demonic Creatures, Dark Creatures, informations, warnings and preview of behaviour.
Chapter Three; White Magic, informations, ingredients, implamentation, rules, warnings and preview.
Chapter Four; Black Magic, informations, ingredients, implamentation, rules, warnings and preview.
Chapter Five; Blood Magic and Sacrificial Powers, informations, ingredients, implamentation, rules, warnings and preview.
Chapter Six; Otherworlds, The Multiverse, and Neutral Creatures, informations, warnings and preview of behaviour.
Chapter Seven; Artifacts, informations, proper usage, preview of demonstartion.
Chapter Eight; Curses, informations, ingredients, implamentation, warnings and preview.
Chapter Nine; Cursed Objects, informations, warnings, preview of demonstration.
Chapter Ten; All Forbidden Knowledge and Alium-s
Instructions of Usage:
The Book contains Way-word Spells to the Dream Realm, use at your own risk!
Please, read the spells noted on each page audibly. If you do not enter the Dream Realm, check, if you have read and pronounced correctly, if you said the spell loud enough, or have a Spell-blocker in your near vicinity.