All around me war waged. The heroes against the villains. My eyes looked up, to my father and Hawks, fighting All For One. My eyes moved around, the other hero's, the sidekicks, my friends, all fighting, for their lives, for the greater good. I was covered in blood, both my own and not. I was littered in scratches, cuts, burns, had stab wounds, I had bullet wounds. My mind flashed to my best friend. Jiro, Earphone Jack was her hero name. Her eyes meet mine. She instantly knew what I was planning. She shook her head no. I just smiled at my dear friend. My eyes conveying the message I wished her to tell my brother. She looked like she wanted to cry. I lunged forward. I was the strongest in my class, both physically and mentally. I was talented, but I also worked hard, I had to prove that I was not who I am today because of my father. I ran forward black ice formed at my feet. I shot forward, using my pitch black ice to shoot me forward and up. Bright blue flames circled around me, around my legs, around my torso, around my chest, around my arms. I was the hero Amani. My name mean Balance, it meant peace.
I was the youngest daughter of Endeavor, I was the older twin sister of Shoto Todoroki. I jumped up, ignoring the blood that flowed from my wounds, my father yelled out to me, I could hear the fear in his voice. I have always loved him. I loved my father with my entire core. No matter what he had said or done. I'd always loved him. It had frustrated my siblings to no end. I didn't care. I dived down and down and down. I could hear my friends, my class, backing me up as I prepared my finally attack. Black ice and blue fire raged around me. I descended down upon All For One. Like and eagle down onto a mouse. I felt something go through my chest. I ignored it, instead I placed my hand onto All for One's chest. Ice began to coat us, freezing both me and him in place. This way, he'd never hurt anyone ever again. My life was a small price to pay for peace. I just smiled.