In "You," a captivating poetry anthology by Victor 'Prof' Odulate, the author returns to similar themes and akin to those found in his debut anthology: "Woes of a Hopeless Romantic". Immerse yourself in a journey of emotions and introspection. From the poignant verses of "What Could've Been" that explore the bittersweet memories of missed opportunities, to the enigmatic encounter in "Silhouette," where a fleeting moment sparks curiosity and desire. In "Nuanced Glances," discover the power of unspoken connections and the language of subtle gestures. And when the words fail, the poem "Call?" invites you to step beyond texting, to lend an ear and offer comfort. "Strides" takes you on a sentimental stroll filled with laughter, companionship, and unspoken affection, while "Starlight" unveils a tale of cosmic love and the enduring desire to be together. With each turn of the page, "Golden Moments" are unveiled, showcasing the beauty of fleeting experiences and the impact they leave behind. In "Flight," soar through the highs and lows of personal growth, while "Hooked" delves into the complexities of relationships. Unveiling the essence of the human experience, "You" is an anthology that will leave you longing for more, connecting you to the universal emotions that bind us all.
"Writing feels better than speaking"
The pictures I used in this book are not mine. Credits to the respective owners...
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