(This is the revised version of my first ever CH book, Spread My Wings. If you want to read the first version to see just how bad middle-school me was at grammar and spelling, It will be linked in the first chapter :D)
(I will be keeping a lot of this story true to the original, which I wrote almost three years ago now. Please keep in mind that some parts of this story either reflect the time it was written in, or were written when I was new to the fandom. This story uses historical context very loosely, and as it is an AU, it is far removed from modern politics or historical accuracy. Please keep this in mind as you read)
We all know America as a global superpower...
But what if, in a world full of magic, America had no power at all?
In this AU, everyone has an ability given to them at a certain age by a magical entity called a 'spirit guardian'. However America, even well into his twenties, found himself powerless.
America, desperate to find his place in this world of magic, knows he can rely on his best friend Germany; However, the rest of the world isn't so warm to the son of a monster, as they keep Germany locked away. But when past foes return from damnation with a plan to take over the land that banished them, maybe a powerless freak and monster's son- with the help of their friends- can save the world.
Keep in mind:
- This IS NOT, I repeat, IS NOT a RussiaxAmerica book
- This AU takes place in a world far removed from our own, where America returned to his father after the Civil war, did not partake in any of the World Wars, Soviet decided to retire on his own accord, yada yada
The tall tale of the later hardships faced by "the gifted child". As Russia ages, he finds his life dulling because he has nothing to live for. He had already succeeded in so much that his life loses purpose. One fateful day he unexpectedly befriends America who understands exactly how he is feeling. He persuades Russia to partake in deadly events with him to help him feel excitement again. Intelligently gifted depressed psychopaths should never become addicted to danger... or become besties.
America glances back over to me with a menacing grin plastered onto his face. He laughs and its echo haunts my ears. "I don't think I'm insane; surely my entire situation is understandable. If it weren't, I would've been put into that asylum when I was younger."
I stare into his doe mismatched colored eyes. What the hell did I get myself into? "America, you are insane." I repeat. I was truly at a loss for words and had conflicting emotions. Crossing the street blindfolded was the last thing I had expected him to try. And yet, I was even more disturbed at how much I wanted to try it for myself...
"And so are you, Russia." he says chillingly as if he had a key to my gated mind. "We are not so different and you know it. You are not normal; you revealed that to me in your past. Our horrible childhoods molded us into what we are today. "
"I'm not fucking crazy." I tell him, "I find hobbies to feel alive- not to try to kill myself!"
**Not the story you will be expecting**
⚠️ Warning: This is a fictional novel, so please don't attempt or copy anything life threatening that these characters do, thanks TuT 💗
All art is mine :) 🫧
- Yes, there are many allusions to famous works of literature because I am an obsessed fanatic for them!! Also I included a shit ton of symbolism and foreshadowing. So be on the look out for everything! ✨ ;)