Makudo (formerly known as Yuki Tashiro) as he wakes up one fateful day to find himself transformed into a cat, entwined with the spirit of an ancient samurai. Motivated by a deep bond with his beloved feline companion, Harkia, Makudo embarks on a mission to reclaim his title as the strongest samurai and to confront the legendary warrior who poses a threat to their world.
Makudo, now embodying the combined essence of Harkia and the legendary samurai, becomes an embodiment of agility, intuition, and the warrior's indomitable spirit. Makudo undertakes a quest to unlock his true potential as a feline samurai.
Guided by the wisdom of the samurai and fueled by the unconditional love he shares with Harkia, Makudo ventures into uncharted territories, traversing both physical and metaphysical realms. Along the way, he encounters allies who aid him in honing his skills, mastering ancient techniques, and unraveling the secrets of the samurai lineage.
As Makudo's powers grow, so does the peril he faces. The path to becoming the strongest samurai is fraught with challenges, including battles against formidable adversaries and internal struggles against the allure of darkness. Makudo must navigate the delicate balance between his feline instincts and the noble principles of a samurai to triumph over adversity and safeguard the world from impending catastrophe.
Join Kenji Shedji and the ten wonderful girls he meets at his new school as they navigate a seemingly safe but in reality, really dangerous life where they will meet many allies and enemies alike years later after the civil war that plagued their previous home Mystica Forest had finally ended.
Got 5th place for the Fantasy genre in Glorious Awards hosted by the user rockshower!
Got 3rd place for Best Title in the Brumous Collab Awards hosted by TheAloraConsortium and Mellonia Community!