Sora, Gira, Jeramie, and Ace finds themselves in another world. They're separated from their friends...But they meet Yui, Taro, Ikki, Manatsu, Kaito, Daichi, and Prim (who transforms into Cure Suprem. Mashiro, Himeno, Yamna, and Keiwa meets Amane, Jiro, George, Laura, Zocks, Storious, Nodoka, Juru, and Aruto on an island in the sea and rescues Pooka from an attack. Tsubasa meets Saaya, Noel, Sougo, Kotoha, Misao, Emu, Haruka, Takaharu, and Takeru, they all take a walk in a hanging garden. Ageha, Rita, and Michinaga meet Asumi, Takamichi, Horobi, Lala, Towa, Geiz, Yukari, Hammie, and Banjou, but Lala and Yukari are having trouble getting along! They meet new friends, but everyone's memories are hazy, it seems that Precure, Super Sentai, and Kamen Rider are the only ones in this world. We want to go back to the worlds we belong to! The clue is a castle in the distance... This is where our journeys begin!
Super Sentai, Kamen Rider, and Pretty Cure don't belong to me, they belong to Toei respectively.