reader is also a half human vampire and she comes to the castle trying to sneek into the Belmont hold. She thinks the castle is still filled with vampires and just wants to try and save some of the dangerous knolage from them if she can. However Alucard is of course there and confronts her, at first thinking she's evil but after a short fight she explains herself abd he realizes she still thinks evil vampires controle the castle. Of course she gets hurt in the fight and he feels bad for having hurt her so he insists on caring for her wounds, no matter how embarrassing they may be (cut to the chest perhaps), and after they start to get to know each other she decides to stay and protect the hold, pretending she thinks it's just to dangerous to leave in the hands of Dracula's son so she had better help defend it just in case he goes evil. Of course she's actually fallen for him so this is a lie. He would fall for her as well, mostly due to her spunk and whit but she's beautiful to even with battle scars and he's finally not the only half vampire in the world. They would banter back abd forth over silly things like who's cooking or who's hunting and who's the more skilled fighter with a sword. That leads to sparring sessions and the eventual backing her into a corner and kissing her triumphantly confessing to her. They love to tease each other and it's like she's a female trevor belmont in a way. They are perfect together. Eventually he'd explain what happened between him and the brother and sister that betrayed him and she would respect him untill he was ready. Secretly though she's never been with anyone ever. No time when your a monster hunter. She even blames her loosing there first fight on her having just beaten a big hoard of beasts and traveling fir days with no supplies.All Rights Reserved