Sequel to "A Ghost of What Was Once Mine." In the devastating wake of Izuku Midoriya's fall from grace, Katsuki Bakugo finds himself haunted by the ghost of a once unbreakable bond. Izuku willingly embraces the darkness, becoming a villain to hunt down and obliterate the League of Villains, sacrificing his innocence to protect the one thing he has left-Katsuki. Six months of fruitless searching has left Katsuki grappling with feelings of abandonment and worthlessness, questioning his own strength and purpose. During a covert mission to a distant part of Japan, fate intervenes when Katsuki inadvertently crosses paths with the very person he has been desperately searching for-Izuku. But the Izuku he finds is a ghost of the man he once knew, hardened and unrecognizable, a standoffish stranger cloaked in mystery. Refusing to let go, Katsuki becomes Izuku's relentless shadow, determined to reignite the spark of their former relationship. Along the way, they discover something potentially catastrophic, a threat that could change everything. Will Katsuki be able to reignite the spark within Izuku that he fears may be lost forever, or will Izuku drive himself to the breaking point in the battle against their worst enemy, fighting until his final breath? ⚠️ Content Warning: Gruesome Violence, Mature Themes, sex, and Intense Plot. Reader's discretion is advised. If you are under 18 you have been warned!