This story follows Castiel Thornhill a 21 year old Wizard with a dark family secret. Castiel couldn't wait to go to Hogwarts and learn everything the school had to offer however, his dreams were cut short after his Older brother Lucian did something unforgivable causing his family to leave in a hurry. Leaving his home and his best friend Sebastian Sallow. Castiel has spent years in the shadows consumed by his trauma and guilt. Now with his Brother banding together with Dark wizards Castiel must return to Hogwarts for one reason and one reason alone to uncover secrets about his Family's Curse. His search is interrupted when Reunited with his old partner in crime now all grown up Sebastian is now in his final year at Hogwarts and fought his own battles along side a powerful Student with mysterious powers she has the ability to see traces of ancient magic and bend it to her will. Castiel is entranced by her and cannot understand why he is so drawn to her. What is it about Rain Lancaster that makes Castiel want to love again?All Rights Reserved