Over 3,000 years ago, during the Great War between the Factions and the Kingdoms, there was a mysterious individual who is respected and feared by all dragonkind, the Factions, and possibly the Dragon Gods themselves? He is none other than Acnologia who is known to be fearsomely reputed as "The Dragon King" and "The Black Dragon in the Book of Apocalypse". He was known as a cataclysmically powerful Dragon Slayer that can take the form of a Dragon due from his overuse of Dragon Slayer Magic and bathing in the blood of the Dragons he killed. He killed countless warriors, dragons and even the gods themselves and never left any remains of his enemies behind. Fromt time and time again. No matter how much time has passed. One thing stays true and it's that humans never change. For too long now. I have seen this go on for years. But... No longer... He shall bring their end... Feeling fed up after the many years of dealing with these humans... the time has come... seeing no hope for humanity he only seeks one thing... and that is the destruction of all life.... However... that is until he meets a certain someone... that change his life forever. (I don't own Fairy Tail or any reference to any other fiction in this story. Especially the characters that are involved in this story.) (My OC is simply Acnologia with certain personality traits and powers of several characters from other manga, animated shows and video games.) (This Story is heavily inspired by The Perfect Being by @Night_Wing94 and The True King of Dragons by @Bretrain5.)All Rights Reserved