In the beginning, was the first spark of sentient life, the First Embodiment. From this aspect rose the branches of all existence. The concept of all which was, is and is to come. It was defeated by its stagnant, endless life and died to raise two fractions; the Primordials and the Vertizeryt.
These primordials bore forth the gods of every pantheon that was and is, and even more eyes have seen not and minds cannot fathom and the Vertizeryt? Forgotten, their tales lost in moments. The ends of the Primordials fell on them by an old entity. 'The spawn of the void before creation' which many refer to as 'Monster at the End of the Book'.
The void perceived evil for the first time by the death of the primordial and gave rise to the entity 'The Negative Sentience' ; an entity made from wrong with morals right.
With the Primordials conquered, The 'Spawn of the Void before creation' had the hearts of the Primordials, in the bounds of its bellies. Bound by the gods for endless eons, was the Spawn of the Void until times come recent. As all beginnings must come to an end, the Spawn of the Void marks to end it.
This is the same form which the gods sense have returned to claim them as well, like it did the Primordials. Their minds divided, distrust come amongst them as they fight to discover what truly will cause their foretold ends, the End of Myths.
And in the vast existence, there exists a man with underlying ambitions to conquer for the sake of love and family. And even with the Chaos ongoing, he lies as the string master, and all of these, his seeming play. What is his name, you may ask? One of the secrets of the universe.
This is the End of Myths, the beginning of the cessation of all godhood.