In the small town of Black America, three friends, Max, Kim, and Elvis, find themselves preparing for the annual cheerleading competition. However, they soon realize that the cheerleader, the star of the show, harbors a sinister power. Max, driven by his suspicions, investigates and uncovers the dark history of the cheerleader, learning of her ability to manipulate and control those around her.
With the help of ancient knowledge and their unwavering friendship, Max, Kim, and Elvis embark on a dangerous journey to break the cheerleader's spell. They face numerous challenges and battles, using their unique strengths to weaken her power. In an epic confrontation, Max shatters the cheerleader's hold on the students, freeing them from her curse.
The trio, now stronger than ever, guides their community towards healing and unity. They become symbols of resilience, sharing their harrowing story to inspire others to stand up against evil. As years pass, the legend of the cheerleader becomes a cautionary tale, reminding future generations of the strength needed to confront darkness. Max, Kim, and Elvis continue on their individual paths, forever connected by their shared experiences.
In the end, Black America prospers, but the memory of the cheerleader lives on as a reminder of the town's triumph over evil. Max, Kim, and Elvis carry the lessons they learned into their adult lives, channeling their courage and resilience to face new challenges. And as they bid farewell to their extraordinary past, they embrace a brighter and more hopeful future, forever guided by the light that emerged from the darkness.
She refused to show mercy. She refused to die in this world of monstrosities.
Maybe that's why she became what she was,
They call her Seventeen.
She was lethal, deadly even. But under that ruthless facade is a young girl, a girl scared that the world would let her down once again. Ever wondered why she became what she was? Three people broke their promise, causing her to spend 2 years shrouded in darkness. And so darkness she became
Ethan King, the leader of the most feared gang in the world, Dark Hurricanes. He was ruthless, cruel, cold. Nobody but his second and third in command could understand his ways, his reputation was matched only by Seventeen herself. He just took over the gang for 6 months and everybody fears him. People far and wide have heard of him.
The Duels are coming nearer each and every day. It is held once every five years to determine the ranking of gangs. It just so happens that the Death Scars and Dark Hurricanes are taking part this year once again, with new members.
What happens when Ethan sees a girl whose arms are littered with scars walk through the gates to the place where The Duels are going to be held?
What happens when Seventeen sees a childhood Friend that she never wanted to see in her life again?
Two teens equally broken in every way, their eyes seeing enough of the world's horrors. What happens if they clash? Will sparks ignite or will each of them become more broken than they were before. After all what have they got to loose?
"In the end, we're only human, we cry, we laugh, we smile, we make mistakes."