The Fitzgerald Family is one of the most powerful families in Europe, not just for their magic and their contributions to Witchcraft, but also for their tremendous wealth and power. The family itself is rather picture-esq, displaying nothing but a perfect family. One child however seems to be quite...troublesome. An ego taller than his standing height and the beauty to back it up, Lindsey is certainly very odd, smarter than the average adult and capable of exploiting others deepest secrets for the selfish gain of extra desserts. Of course, he is a child at the end of the day, but that doesn't stop his older sister, Jessica Fitzgerald, from absolutely lothing his existence. Paired with the fact that he was born a curse, the 2 never see eye to eye and constatly try to inconvenience the other in various creative ways, Lindsey always being the successor in their quarels. As a popular saying in the Fitzgerald Manor goes- Trouble is dyed in pale blue.