Little Witch Collections: 2019-2022
11 Части Завершенная история Для взрослыхOne-shots, two-shots, and three-shots of all the LWA stuff that I've written. There's a variety of ships to enjoy. These are based off of dates of publication (which I will put), so the writing will see an increase in quality as the stories go on.
Some stories (two-shots/three-shots) that are intended as such will be put together rather than by dates (though some may take time to update); so, if you follow this story, keep an eye on what was actually added as, sometimes, the update won't be the last chapter. Other times, certain one-shots can stand alone, but are related/continue after one another. The distinction between the two will be made.
Anyway, so each one-shot will start off with bolded brackets with a brief summary in them. And as for the titles: (Date of Original publication) Title of One-Shot - Rating, Word Count [(Main) Ship Name]. *"Ships" with {XXX} instead of [XXX] are platonic; brackets = romantic/sexual.
🔶 = Two/Three-Shot Chapters
🔷 = "Stand-Alone" Continuations
T = No mature content.
T/M = No explicit content, but there are references/implied/a small amount of mature content.
M = Explicit content; not always smut, mind you, but for the most part yes.
[Diakko] = Diana x Akko | [Suakko] = Sucy x Akko | [Sudiana] = Sucy x Diana
[Finnelariot] = Ursula/Chariot x Finnelan
[Barblotte] = Barbara x Lotte | [Amalotte] = Amanda x Lotte
(For ships, many stories will have multiple. The ships recognized are just who the story is focused on, meaning there's a lot more Diakko, Hamanda, etc. running around in the backdrop. Also, more to be added, of course. :D)
Anyway, with that said, hope you enjoy! :)
*Marked as complete since these are (primarily) one-shots, though some two/three-shots, or series of one-shots, may be incomplete.