I wiped the trickle of blood that trailed down to my chin off with my sleeve, forever staining it. But the matter of my shirt was not the problem. It was my overall state. I needed to get somewhere safe, and fast. Breaking into a run, I looked around, knowing they would be close behind me, ready for more. They would not be happy when they found out that I had escaped. My vision was being taken from me little by little as the energy seemed to be sucked from me. Knowing there would be no way I could reach Rider in time, I hurried towards the closest house to me. It was in the middle of nowhere, but it would do. Before I knew what was happening, the door opened. Did I knock? At this point I didn't care to remember. But a girl stood there, a shocked expression on her face. "Uhh, come on in." She ushered me in. "What's your name, son?"
"Blake. Blake Night." I said as I felt myself being sat down on some kind of cushion. "Okay, Blake. I'm Day. Day Harks."