In this emotional and thought-provoking story we meet Valeriana and Soleil, two individuals who face contrasting challenges in their lives. Valeriana grows up within a family that places incredibly high expectations on her. The pressure takes a toll on her mental health leaving her constantly stressed and anxious. Her family's strict emphasis on achievement begins to suffocate her and she finds herself longing for a more compassionate and understanding approach from her loved ones. On the other hand Soleil is raised in an environment where his individual passions and dreams are encouraged and supported. His carefree nature allows him to live in the present moment. However Soleil begins to feel lost and suffocated under the weight of excessive care from his family. He yearns to carve out his own path without feeling restrained by their constant concern. As the two characters navigate their respective struggles, they cross paths and form a deep connection. Together they challenge the societal norms that prioritize achievement over emotional well-being and strive to create a shift in their families' perspectives. Soleil cautious by nature, questions the authenticity of their connection while Valeriana finds herself overwhelmed by her growing affection for him. Both struggle with their emotions and fear rejection. The novel delves into the effects of external pressures, the search for personal identity and the support to overcome adversity.