In this poignant Wattpad story, love takes center stage as two souls navigate through the depths of pain and heartbreak, only to discover a love that is enduring, peaceful, and forgiving. The story follows the journey of two individuals who have experienced their fair share of heartache and disappointment in relationships. As they meet and form a connection, their past wounds threaten to overshadow their budding romance. However, they both choose to confront their pain head-on, learning to heal and grow together. Through forgiveness, understanding, and unwavering support, they find solace in each other's arms. This emotional rollercoaster of a story explores the transformative power of love, proving that even in the face of intense pain, true love can endure and bring lasting happiness.
A story of Traciel Louise Hidalgo and Liam Kyle Cruzat
elder child x middle child
3 years difference
Desi families
girl who didn't get love will get love get married to a boy,it's an arrange marriage,the boy live in joined family and have everything...