Enid Lupin was the daughter of Remus Lupin. Enid was Remus's pride and joy, and he would do absolutely anything for her. When she was born, he was terrified that she would have the werewolf curse like him, but she wasn't cursed like him. She had a few characteristics, but she wasn't a werewolf.
Enid was the same age as Fred and George Weasley, so during school, they were her best friends. They did everything together, and they loved her like a sister. It was as if there was triplets instead of twins, but she never did go to the Burrow. She was too worried about her father to leave him during any holidays or breaks.
Enid had met Fred and George's little brother and sister, but she never did formally meet any of their older siblings. She knew of them, but she never met them, not even the brother that was a prefect then the Headboy. Anyway, Enid had dropped out of school with the twins to work at the joke shop, and that was just how things kicked off.
Years later, when You-Know-Who attacked Hogwarts to kill Harry Potter, that's when Enid lost almost everything. She felt scared and lost, but at least she still had her uncle and her little brother. She also had her sweet baby, who had been born only a short bit of time after the war. She hadn't expected things to go uphill after losing so much, but things seemed to slowly start getting better for the girl...
"We were so far into this war. It started with the Death of an innocent boy: Cedric Diggory. Then my mother, Cordelia Black. I don't know who's next. I don't want it to be anyone. Not my Uncle, not Remus, not Harry. No one. I vowed two things to myself. Firstly, my mother wasn't very kind to me. But in her last moments, she showed that a part of her still cared. For that, I vowed that I will become a Healer. Not just for me, but for her as well. Secondly, I vowed that this year, I will clear my Uncle's name, he will be a free man. And with Umbridge away from Hogwarts, no one can stop me".
Half Blood Prince:
While grieving the lost of her mother and dealing with her feelings for Harry, Aurelia Adolpha studies to become a Healer. She's made a promise to herself that she'll study to get her dream job and clear her Uncle's name. Nothing else. But will Harry like Aurelia as more than a friend? Or will he always consider her a friend?
Deathly Hallows Pt. 1:
With the Golden Trio on a hunt for Horcruxes, Aurelia, Neville, Ginny and Luna are leading Dumbledore's Army and protecting their classmates while surviving Death Eaters.
Deathly Hallows Pt. 2:
The Final Battle has come. Who will make it out alive?
(The only character I own is Aurelia)