*The storyline and the characters belong to Gege Akutami!* The story follows Akana Tanno, a complex and dynamic character whose journey begins with a tumultuous childhood. However, she finds solace and a sense of belonging when she forms strong bonds with a new group of friends at Jujutsu High. As they navigate their time at school, the trio quickly emerges as the strongest in their class, each earning a Special Grade within their first year.But as they confront the challenges that come with their Special Grade abilities, Akana realizes that her feelings for Geto go far beyond friendship. However, they are assign to escort the Star Plasma Vessel to Master Tengen as curse user groups conspire against them. As Akana grows closer to Geto Suguru, she finds herself drawn to his trust and sense of safety, eventually developing romantic feelings for him. I don't own anything to this story! be more patient for updates. Depending on how busy I am, I will do my best as I can. However, I only own my Oc. Please don't steal or copy the thing I've created for this story.