In this file it will contain a step by step way to make money through chatgpt's software with the help of an Amazon affiliate account.
To begin start with creating an account with chatgpt
next register to become an Amazon affiliate. create your own blog is the most practical way of generating clicks
Chat with the ai by asking questions like best selling ______ on Amazon it should then provide a list of items
now ask it to provide you with an blog article for each item
after you completed the steps above copy the article into a word document provide links for each item below each item
go to Amazon the grey box that will only be available if your an affiliate.
advertise your blogs each click is a percentage of sales
if you have created a cpa account you should be able to use it here 🙏 pbuy
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Here you can request for a chapter read request as well as critique. There's even something better-talking to me about anything you want!