"You only live once." This is the overly used excuse that we use every time we make a decision and that's fine because it's true.
This also goes with 'Love'.
For once in our lives, we would eventually experience this love - the kind of love that just can't die.
A love, though not being returned, we are still willing to take the risk.
We expect that somehow, someday we will be rewarded.
But how long can we give that love a chance?
Are we really capable of giving so much without asking anything in return?
Are we really capable of being happy, just seeing the person we love happy with someone else?
How can we untangle something so twisted like LOVE?
How can we survive without breaking? How can we live without hating?
Brace yourself for it will be a long roller coaster ride to what we call 'HAPPINESS'
- D A L E (myLovelymind)
Cover by: @ShebaHanna 🎉