In a world where loyalty and bravery are tested, a once-abandoned puppy named Rubicon transforms into a cruel loyal Butcher dog, a formidable and ruthless protector. After being discarded by his first owner despite saving their child from kidnappers, Butcher takes refuge under the care of a grateful butcher. He becomes a fearless guardian with a broken leg and an injured eye, defending his new family from all threats. As Butcher's reputation grows, a brain specialist doctor recognizes his potential and takes him in. Together, they embark on a journey of vengeance and redemption, paving the way for Butcher's rise to power and establishing his canine empire.
Butcher Dog is a character in a story about a brain specialist doctor who became a psycho to save his mentally unstable son and hunt humans to experiment with his medicine.
This story is the first part of 3 part mystery/thriller story
When Jane Madarang's neighbor Natalie kills herself and leaves behind cryptic instructions, it's up to Jane and her classmates to unearth deadly secrets.
Natalie Driscoll is dead.
She threw herself out a window and left her neighbor Jane to unravel their town's darkest secrets. Following Natalie's instructions leads Jane to three other high school students who all have something to hide. The four of them must carry out Natalie's final errand while solving the mysteries written in her diary. But the secrets they unearth may be far more dangerous than what they ever imagined.
Content and/or trigger warning: This story contains scenes of suicide, violence and murder that may be triggering for some readers.
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