In the year 2150, humanity has made incredible technological advancements. Space colonization is no longer a distant dream but a reality. The protagonist, Dr. Amelia Clarke, a brilliant astrophysicist, finds herself at the forefront of a groundbreaking discovery. While studying distant celestial bodies, she stumbles upon an anomalous signal originating from a distant galaxy, far beyond what anyone believed possible.
Driven by curiosity and the desire to uncover the truth, Amelia assembles a team of experts, including engineers, biologists, and linguists, to decipher the enigmatic message. The journey to deciphering the signal's meaning takes them on a cosmic adventure across the vastness of space.
As they delve deeper into the mystery, they encounter advanced civilizations, both benevolent and hostile. Along the way, they face unimaginable challenges, questioning their beliefs and testing the limits of their ingenuity. The discoveries they make threaten to shake the foundations of human understanding, pushing the boundaries of science and philosophy.
Amelia and her team must navigate the complex web of extraterrestrial politics, unravel ancient secrets, and confront their own fears and desires. With each revelation, they find themselves grappling with ethical dilemmas, as they weigh the consequences of their actions for both humanity and the newly encountered species.
"Beyond the Stars" is a tale of exploration, scientific wonder, and the search for meaning in a universe teeming with life. It explores themes of human curiosity, the nature of intelligence, and the profound implications of contact with extraterrestrial civilizations.
The aliens kill every human they catch, or in rare cases, put trackers on them to discover their hidden villages. When Natalie is caught in an ambush, she is unexpectedly released. But there is no tracker. The Saursunes have an entirely different motive this time.
Run. Don't look back.
When Natalie is trapped in an alien ambush, she is unexpectedly released. The first human to ever be let go.
The Saursunes invaded centuries ago, and everyone knows that getting caught is certain death. Natalie is confused but grateful to be alive. As a porter, one of the few humans with the rare ability to teleport between special crystal formations, she must leave the safety of her desert village every day to help gather food.
When other villages increase their raids on the Saursunes' farms, the aliens retaliate by hunting down every human they can find - except Natalie's group. Instead of trying to kill her and those helping her, they bring them food instead.
Is it a trap? Or something else? Natalie isn't sure, but one thing is certain: the Saursunes aren't done with her yet.
Updates are Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 11-1pm MST. The story is completed offline, so no worries about it being abandoned!