Once upon a time, in the bustling city of Manila, lived a young woman named Kathleen. She was an ardent fangirl and had recently discovered a rising Filipino boy band called SB19. Kathleen was completely captivated by their music, dance moves, and charming personalities.
She spent hours watching their music videos, attending their concerts, and even following their every move on social media. Kathleen couldn't help but feel an indescribable connection with SB19's members - Pablo, Stell, Josh, Justin, and Ken. Their talent, dedication, and humility touched her heart.
One day, Kathleen stumbled upon an opportunity that would change her life forever. SB19 announced that they were looking for a personal assistant, someone who could handle their schedules, coordinate events, and help manage their fan interactions. Kathleen, fueled by her passion and devotion to the band, decided to apply for the position. She's lucky and desperate to be with MAHALIMA.
PS: This Story has Dedicated to our Ppop Kings and readers (A'tin), My name is Missteriousgirl i hope you enjoy and like my story and don't forget to support my next story. since this is my first time please let me introduce to you my pleasure story. SLMT.
Cutiee Series 1
Just when Bryle finally tried to move on from his second trial of one-sided love, a weird woman entered his life. A woman who confessed her affections towards him, but wanted nothing in return...
Actually, she does.
She just wants to see her sun shine brightly again.
That and nothing more.
Now, it's up to Bryle if he could give her what she wants before the time runs out.
~ Hadlee Zircon