This is an ES AU that focuses on Crystal... well, mostly... ; ) This has a few ideas I had for her in it like her going to town with Speed and getting a job, which ends up snowballing into a few other changes like her finding out Speed was a rescuer much sooner than normal and Flare evolving into Leafeon. There also may or may not be a few other changes completely unrelated to anything Crystal does or doesn't do as well. If you want a Solarflare focused story, then you can go read Two Out of Three by @DarkenedLight01, I don't know if there are any other stories more focused on Solarflare, but I haven't found any... And now the disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon or the Eeveelution Squad characters, the latter were made by ev-zero/pkm-150, if I end up introducing a character not from the OG ES, I will credit the creator of said character.