In this epic tale,In a valiant effort to reclaim Rome from a powerful enemy, General Aquila leads the Roman Legion XIV, while Emperor Varu urgently summons reinforcements from Legion V, IX, and XII. General Marius of Legion V at Cannae swiftly marches to Rome with his cavalry, leaving the infantry behind. Upon arrival, they face a massive enemy force. Emperor Varu devises a plan, but realizes they need more legions. General Yati rallies legions from the east, while General Avricus gathers legions from the north. As they march towards Rome, scouts bring news of the approaching enemy. The legions hold the first assault but strategize for the coming battles. Emperor Varu sends messengers to General Yati, instructing him to rally legions across the empire. The enemy launches subsequent attacks, but General Aquila's arrival with surviving legions turns the tide. Rome is reclaimed, and Emperor Varu reunites with General Aquila and General Marius. However, news arrives of the falling Pholingian Empire, prompting Emperor Varu to plan aid and defense. Roman legions, led by Emperor Varu, march to aid the Pholingians in Brundaism, the last stronghold. Together, they repel the Valkarians, defending the empire.
Set in the ancient city of Rome during a time when the Patricians and the Plebeians, the rich and the poor, were fighting, a rebellious girl named Cassia finds herself in a tough situation. She brings herself to the Tyrrhenian Sea to witness something something that she wasn't supposed to, and had only found out about through a note.
The Plebeians were behind in the fight for gaining a seat in the government, when Cassia thinks of an idea to help them. But how will she get her ingenious idea across? She was only a 13 year old girl, which meant that in those times, she did not have a say at all in Rome! How would she help the Plebeians to implement the new idea? Read along to find out!