In the town of Genoa, Nevada, a reluctant prodigal son named Ezra returns to his roots, drawn back into the fold of the notorious motorcycle club know as the Barbarians. Following the untimely demise of his father Rex, the club's revered leader, Ezra finds himself confronting the dark underbelly of the MC world he had long tried to escape.
As he navigates the treacherous path of loyalty, brotherhood, and danger, Ezra encounters a captivating enigma named "Cherry", the daughter of a fallen member. Their intense connection ignites a whirlwind romance, yet beneath Cherry's alluring facade lies a mysterious past that she guards carefully.
Together, Ezra and Cherry navigate a turbulent journey, their relationship entangled with the secrets they both harbor. As they confront their personal demons, they unravel a web of intrigue and betrayal, questioning the true price of loyalty and love in the cutthroat world that they've found themselves in.
Sindal "Sin" was raised in New Orleans by her absent father and two older brothers. Then Sin made a lifestyle choice and her father chose the club over her. Leaving New Orleans and her family behind she was gone just over a year when a call from a friend pulls her back into club life. But maybe in South Caroline she'll be accepted for who she is without the old school shit her father believes.
Boomer wanted her the moment he saw her but doesn't believe he's ever be good enough. Not much for words he's tried to be her friend and secretly her protector. When he fails and she's injured Boomer vows it'll never happen again. And that he'll do anything and be anything she needs him to be. As long as she'll stay and be his.
Unfortunatly in true MC storytelling I'm not going to make this easy on either of these characters. As the Blood Wolves MC grows in size and power so does the threat from outside the little town they call home.