Vanessa, or as she's known to most people, Vani Blue is a world famous pop star and has been for the past decade. She came from nothing, with one of her songs becoming popular overnight. A lot of young people see her as their inspiration.
One of those people is Shelly, a 21 year old musician, who's slowly but surely building her career. Even if her and Vani play different music genres, she sees her as an inspiration. But the day she finally meets her idol, she finds out, that the truth behind Vani's success might be darker than it seems...
V tejto knížke budem písať creepypasty.Tí ktorý nevedia čo to znamená,budem písať strašidelné príbehy..Ehmm.. píšem to ja čiže to bude viac creepy ako strašidelné ale snaď to bude aspoň trošku strašidelné.Budem k niektorým pridávať aj hudbu aby to dodávalo takú temnejšiu atmosféru.