Authors don't realize it, but all of their stories are related. How do I know this? Because I am one. You know Harry Potter and Percy Jackson? Yeah, they're related. It's kind of how all of the Disney movies are connected.
Do you want to know how they're related? Are you curious? I would be. Humans are curious creatures, are we not? You see, dear readers, the only way to find out is to start looking. So, read on, if you dare. I do not deceive, dear readers. I'm warning you: there is absolute knowledge hidden in this. If you don't want to know, don't read. If you do, I'm telling-no, I'm commanding you, gather your friends. Make them sit down and make them listen to this logic that I am about to share with you.
Are you ready? If you are, take a deep breath. Take another one. Good. You're ready. When you think you can handle all of the secrets I am about to tell you, open the book and begin to read.
(I don't own any of the series or books mentioned in this piece of amazingness. Please vote and comment if you liked. Thanks! By the way, there are spoilers in this so if you don't want to read about spoilers, don't read this!)