"Come on Jackie boy, she's trouble. Forget about the lass." Chibs patted Jax on the back, trying to cheer the teen up after watching him sulk over the last month.
"No she ain't. Her dads a nightmare, beats on her and her mom. I'm glad she got out of that house. Bastard." Jax shook his head, leaning back in the chair and putting his smoke between his lips. If he thought hard enough, he could taste the vanilla chapstick she always wears.
"Aye, but you don't need the heartache kid." Chibs walked away, almost feeling sorry for Jax. The first time he allows a girl into his life after his last heartbreak, and even though it was a good thing- she left. She was the one who got away, everyone knew that. She fit in well within the club. She accepted the rules, the risks, but she loved Jax anyways.
Jax sat there with his eyes closed tightly, wondering if one day, she'd come back to him, or he'd run into her on the street and wonder where life had taken her. He wondered if he'd ever see those beautiful brown eyes again.
A custom
A life
A connection......
An old norm of society which binded an innocent to a boy elder to her by 13 years adjoining their destiny in a bond unpredictable.
that was not a marriage nor a commitment neither was a promise of love. It was a binding of two lives connecting to each other by a custom where one's life is being protected by making the other their KALA TIKA.
A 35 year old man of his words. his words were like orders to the people around the state. he was the son of CM of UP. He was indeed a politician but along with that was a the mafia lord of state, along with the country itself. He had everything one could ask for but their was still a void in his heart.
A pain, A guilt, guilt of destroying a 2 year old's life but was it really a destruction or destiny played it game making it a protection.
A 22 year old filled with enthusiasm, spirituality and fun. To the outer world she is the epitome of beauty with brains despite her having dusky skin. To the outer world her dusky skin is a gem of blessings to her making her look more beautiful and prominent giving a glass shine to her face but was it really a blessing or a curse? Being tied to a one elder by 13 years being her spiritual guardian would be an easy task or would be the only task for her?
Dive into the world of social norms, riots, customs but more importantly trust belief and LOVE 🫶🏻