"Love Beats" is a captivating collection of poems penned by the talented poet, Mona Samuel. Through the rhythmic verses and heartfelt expressions, Mona takes readers on a poetic journey that explores the multifaceted aspects of love in its various forms and manifestations.
With lyrical grace and an intimate voice, "Love Beats" delves into the depths of human emotions, unraveling the intricate threads of passion, longing, joy, heartbreak, and resilience. Each poem within the collection resonates with raw authenticity, evoking a profound connection with the reader's own experiences of love and relationships.
Mona's words dance on the page, weaving imagery and metaphors that paint vivid landscapes of emotions. From the tender whispers of new love to the bittersweet nostalgia of lost connections, "Love Beats" captures the universal essence of human connections, celebrating the beauty and complexities of the human heart.
This poetry collection invites readers to explore the delicate balance between vulnerability and strength, the power of love to heal and inspire, and the transformative journey that unfolds when love intertwines with the tapestry of our lives. "Love Beats" is a testament to the enduring power of love and its profound impact on our souls.
Whether you are a poetry enthusiast or someone seeking to dive into the depths of human emotions, "Love Beats" is a poetic voyage that will touch your heart, leaving an indelible imprint long after the final verse.
Struggles have never been so beautiful. TENDER by FULLOFMOON is an exploration of the human experience, delving into abstract yet universal struggles. Through experimental use of various literary devices, classical references, political theories, economic concepts, and diverse structures, it addresses uncomfortable emotions, world systems, existential questions, and infatuations (with people, things, and the self.) By employing relatable subject matter and simple language, TENDER seeks to show how deeply beautiful our tender encounters truly are.
Book cover photo credits: Reylia Slaby - Dagny Tarver