A young woman named Zagreya, with her fiery red hair and sapphire blue eyes, enters into an arranged marriage as the second wife to a prince. Despite her perceived ugliness, she captures the prince's heart and his love blossoms. However, tragedy strikes when the prince perishes in a devastating war, leaving Zagreya widowed and shattered. She is forced to remarry her king's knight, Sir Vavynin, whose father was responsible for the death of her husband and his heirs, as well as the prince's first wife Oblaka. In this tale of historical fiction, the dark shadows of betrayal and loss loom over their union, testing their loyalty and love. Explores themes of grief, resilience, and the indomitable spirit of love in the face of overwhelming tragedy. The story delves into the complexities of human nature and the choices we make, ultimately painting a vivid portrait of a woman's journey through loss, forgiveness, and the pursuit of redemption.All Rights Reserved
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