My name is Dawn. I am 13 years old. My best friend, Cassandra, was 14 years old when she died 4 months ago. We were both in 8th grade. She died of lung cancer. Everyone regrets everything they did to her. And I regret not helping her.
Her parents were always disappointed in her. They abused her. Verbally and physically. Everyone at school called her fat. Or a loser. Ugly. Disgusting. Told her to go kill herself. She, being the strong person she was, ignored it. Or at least tried to around me. She always came to school with a smile on her face. Like she was actually looking forward to the day. No matter what anyone did to her, she smiled for me. But I could see behind it.
Her grades always seem to be bad. She could not figure out why. She did all of her work. I know she did because I would sometimes copy off her. Her parents never believed her. Always called her a liar. She helped out all of her sibilings but they did nothing in return.
Nobody wanted to help her.
Nobody even tried to help her.
Nobody listened.
I did. And now I am telling you her story.