Nike: The Long Awaited Warrior | MARVEL
38 Части Завершенная история BOOK ONE
The tale of Nike Odindóttir, and how she became the long awaited warrior.
Years of training could never have prepared Nike for what she would find on Midgard-she'd studied their way of life since she was young, listened to tales of battles that Thor had been involved in, but never once had she been honoured enough to walk amongst the humans. But that's all about to change now that she has her training under her belt, and Odin's confidence that she is ready to begin fighting alongside her brother.
Here's to how loud, emotional and complicated humans truly are.
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This book follows the MCU movies and will contain some inaccurate information due to "story-telling purposes": Nike's been a character in my head for a long time, and it's about time I bought her to life.