In the secretive realm of Bairavaa, where kingdoms whispered ancient tales, an enigmatic journey was poised to unfold. Devna Krisna, a knight with untold potential, stood at destiny's precipice, haunted by the pain caused by Arya Venkatesan. A veiled figure, orchestrating darkness, manipulated through Varsha, a once-trusted friend. Anchitaa, the protective orphan, shielded Devna, as Sree added her enigmatic strength. Neha, the seventh princess, concealed hidden anguish beneath her regal smile. As twilight embraced Bairavaa, the stage shimmered with clandestine secrets, promising a tapestry of love, betrayal, and redemption. Their intertwined destinies waited, veiled by a shroud of mystery, while a name lingered in whispers, awaiting its revelation in future chapters.
This story is totally written from my imagination. I own this. Well, tbh I wrote this to annoy my friends and a form of time pass. Slow Updates like once every 5 days [ ig ] or maybe earlier
Li Xiang is the Priestess of the Moon, she can see read the stars and fortune as well as misfortune to her people. However, the life of a Priestess consists of nothing but loneliness: she can neither leave the palace nor meet with anyone but the Emperor and his advisors.
One day a mysterious servant boy named Rui sneaks into her room, daring her to go outside if he wins against her in a game. Upon meeting him, she also befriends a female warrior and a scholar, and realizes life is much more than the palace. When the day comes she can either choose to go down the road her heart truly desires but bring ruin to the kingdom, or ignore the one chance she will ever have to leave this life?
"My fate has been decided for me."
"There's no such thing as that," he said. "We all make our own fate."
"But the stars tell me--" I stopped talking when he holds my face in his hands, warm hands cupping my cheeks, brown eyes looking into my eyes.
"Then stop looking at the stars. Look at me."
A love story about fate, finding one's identity, stepping out of your comfort zone, and, most of all, choosing between your happiness or the happiness of others...
[[Word Count: 80,000-90,000]]
Wattys Fantasy Winner 2021