In the serene town of Riverside, Inaaya's life takes a chilling turn when a seemingly innocent plan among her son Manthan and his friends sets off a chain of events filled with suspense and danger. Unbeknownst to them, their words are overheard by two strangers with twisted intentions. Soon, Inaaya finds herself at the center of a sinister game, her vulnerability exploited in a dark and twisted act of tickling. As the secrets unravel, Inaaya must summon her courage to confront the strangers and protect herself and others from their invasive actions. In a race against time, Inaaya and Manthan dive into a world of deception, uncovering hidden motives and fighting against a web of danger that threatens their very existence. Will they be able to outwit their adversaries and bring justice to the shadows? "Tickled Secrets" is a heart-pounding suspense thriller that explores the depths of personal boundaries, the resilience of the human spirit, and the power of determination in the face of an unknown enemy.
The intimidating yet Charming Lawyer Siddhant due to some reasons stay as a paying Guest at a house, where he meets Navedita who is Insecure about her weight and worried about her career but there is something...which act as a hindrance and i.e Navedita's Father who is very protective for his daughter and Warns Siddhant to maintain a decent distance with Navedita!!
So how will Loving the Paying Guest be Possible?
This story will feel so real to guys because it will be a stubble romance Book that you will love !
And a Little secret (Whispering)....The story is as hot as the main leadssss 😉
Copyright action's - If My work will be copied by any means or way, there will be strict actions against the person ! So beware and produce story with your own mind, no need to be a cheater ! Sorry for sounding rude but this is my hardwork and I can't let anyone copy it simply.
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#no.1 Rank - India (July 2024)
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#no.1 Rank - Indianauthor
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#no.8 Rank - Slowburn
# no.5 Rank - Desi
# No.90 Rank - Wattpad