In "Whispers Of The Wind," Anastasia, a spirited and imaginative high school student, finds solace in her dreams and aspirations. However, her world takes an unexpected turn when she encounters Sky, a charismatic and enigmatic classmate. As their paths intertwine, a profound and unbreakable bond forms between them. Together, they navigate the joys and challenges of high school life, facing personal growth, friendship, and the complexities of teenage emotions. Through shared adventures, laughter, and the occasional heartache, Anastasia and Sky discover the transformative power of their connection, proving that true friendship can withstand the tests of time and adversity.
Ace Hernandez, the Mafia King, known as the Devil.
Sofia Diaz, known as an angel.
The two are arranged to be married, forced by their fathers, joining the two Mafia's.
But Sofia eventually learns, even the devil was once an angel.
Cover by @alluringathena
*This book is more of a romance book than Mafia book and I hope you enjoyyy*