Bangchan, an orphan who adopted other children as his siblings, a family of his own choosing. However, this family harmony is on the verge of collapse when one by one the his siblings disappear for a purpose, creating a world where they can live in peace and happiness.
This is my first story, so any kind of criticism, comments, suggestions, feedback will be very helpful if I want to make more stories in the future.
English is not my first language, so I apologize if there are spelling and grammar mistakes.
A Reader × Stray Kids
Your character is on the run from a lunatic stalker when she ends up
meeting nine boys who take her in despite her mysterious past.
she joins their crew and helps them get ready for their next comeback.
Slowly she finds herself falling for them one by one as she spends everyday with them.
Who will she end up with?
Will her secrets be revealed?
If so will they still look at her the same way again?
The story basically writes itself and the details might be a little vague so just let your imagination run wild😉
(this is my first attempt at a fan fiction, hopefully it won't be too bad)