In the crossing lives of two middle high-schoolers from different times, a passionate bond forms. Both of them discover comfort in the lively moments of the present, escaping from the limits of reality.
Tiara, a lively girl with strict parents, finds freedom in her school's journalism club. And there, her acquaintance with a boy named Kalisto deepens. With each passing day, Tiara grows closer to him. They share countless moments and face numerous adventures and challenges. As they grow closer, their bond blossoms like a spring flower. Time keeps ticking, flowing like a river, never stopping. Beneath their spectacular bond, Tiara discovers something mysterious about Kalisto's existence.
Kalisto was not meant to exist in her time.
Written by Pixiealoe
(Academy Series #2)
Being the son of an acting chairwoman of the academy pushed Jax to keep his identity hidden. Introduced himself as a scholar, he is slowly creating a name of his own by ranking number one in class. Then there's Cali, the spoiled girl who desperately wants to beat him.