In the world of "Whispers of the Crypt," we will follow a man as he unravels the mysteries of his family's past. Whilst connecting the dots as to why the government, people with higher status, and his family have an uncanny connection. With these, he shall embrace the eerie atmosphere that lies behind the truth and seek the courage to face the reality of his history. You are warned of what is beyond. "Whispers of the Crypt" is a serialized work of fiction that delves into the story of a man who discovers his connection to people in control, and what happens then only turns everything uncanny. And as you walk through this unsettling adventure, remember that even in the scariest moments we find inspiration. As my saying goes, "Let there be dreams after nightmares, light after dark, and paths after shadows." Posts will be twice a month (the 15th and 30th of each month).