Synopsis: In a world where the pursuit of financial success seems to be the only priority, a captivating and surprising story emerges that challenges all stereotypes. "Rules of How to Become Poor" narrates the extraordinary journey of Miguel, a man tired of the constraints imposed by wealth and determined to break free from the chains of rampant consumerism.
Miguel, a successful executive in a large corporation, feels imprisoned in a superficial and empty world. Despite his accumulated fortune, he realizes that his life has lost its true meaning. Disillusioned with the constant pursuit of more money and power, Miguel decides to make a radical decision: to renounce his wealth and embark on a journey towards poverty.
Driven by growing dissatisfaction, Miguel quits his job and gets rid of all his material possessions, choosing to live with only the essentials. He abandons his luxurious mansion and begins to inhabit a small shack on the outskirts of the city. Now, surrounded by financial difficulties and facing an unfamiliar world, Miguel is forced to rethink his priorities and rebuild his life based on new values.
In this transformative journey, Miguel encounters unique and unexpected characters who help him see the true essence of human existence. He discovers the value of genuine relationships, solidarity, and love for others. Immersed in the simplicity of life, Miguel rediscovers his own humanity while questioning the social inequalities and power structures that surrounded him.
"Rules of How to Become Poor" is a work that challenges preconceived notions about success and happiness, inviting readers to reflect on the importance of finding meaning beyond material possessions. With an engaging and moving narrative, this book prompts us to question our own choices and reevaluate the true purpose of life, whether in abundance or scarcity.