'In the land of Shera, there is no life and no death, Each resides in his cage and thinks himself a free man For he built it himself. And as to him whose cage is made of glass; None is more delusional (nor revered) than he' ~translated from source* *Note: source is of questionable origin, with the translation not necessarily accurate (nor fully understood). Further research is needed. However, no one seems capable of deciphering the original text. It seems to be of Greco-Latin origin, but the words seem distorted from the original alphabet. One thing is for certain: the truths of the source shall transcend the ages [...] Archfiends cross the line of the horizon every year, ascending into the human realm. However, they must eventually return by the end of the night. What happens, however, when one doesn't manage to leave on time? And what happens when a girl's curiosity persists longer than it should?
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