There are an infinite number of United States of America in the multiverse, with infinite possibilities in how these United States of America will turn out, of course, they even may have different names. Two of these are the UNA, or the Union of North America, a technological hyperpower conquering entire solar systems. Then there is the magical hyperpower, the MSA, or the Magical Society of America, a country with unparalleled magical capability.
Both of these hyperpowers have one thing in common, they have absolute dominance of the world. However, what if these two hyperpowers get summoned to another world, just 100 miles apart, separated by this insignificant size body of water? Will they fight because of their differences and the threat the other poses? Or will they work together?
Also, with their dominance of the world now gone, they will have to establish control of a new world with mostly arrogant and violent native populations, ultimately leading to war. Of course, they will discover that not all of the natives feel in place with the rest, who could these countries be? Will these two Hyperpowers be able to do it by diplomacy or force? (Well of course they can, dumb question author)
But don't forget the threat of the evil ancient civilization poses to the UNA and USGNA, returning to the world as its hyperpower. But the biggest threat these two hyperpowers might face may be their citizens.
Author Note: This is the rewritten version of The Two Americas, Godly Magic, and Impossible Tech in Another World.
Disclaimer: I do not own Nihonkoku Shoukan (Summoning Japan), those belong to Minorou. This story will be featuring a lot of content from Nihonkoku Shoukan.