25 parts Complete Milo, a young boy who lives on a distant planet just another galaxy away, could easily be described by any one of us as an 'alien'. After all, he and his species are very different from humans, what with their wings and connected minds. But to them, they're normal, and the people who populate the vague and confusing planet of earth are known as the aliens.
The boy, Milo, not only could be described as an alien, but also an outcast. He loves the stars, the galaxy, distant planets, and the picture he acquired when he was young. It came from earth, and in the simple polaroid's frame held the most beautiful face his eyes had ever seen.
A human boy.
This is Milo's story, his life, and his adventure in growing up with the only motivation helping him carry on being the fact that he, one day, may have a chance in finding the boy in the photograph.