This captivating tale delves into the life of a young boy named Zayan, who basks in the bliss of an idyllic existence, far removed from the complexities of the outside world. Surrounded by the warmth of his close-knit family and a circle of cherished friends, he finds joy in the simplicity of life. Little does he know that fate has a unique plan in store for him as he crosses paths with a mysterious girl in his very own neighborhood, a fellow schoolmate.
As the story unfolds, the pages will turn to reveal the tender and exciting journey of Zayan's love life. A chance encounter opens the gates to a realm of emotions he had never explored before. In the midst of happiness and contentment, a new chapter begins to blossom, introducing him to the complexities of love and infatuation.
This enthralling love chronicle follows Zayan's footsteps through a series of intricately woven chapters, each revealing diverse characters who play pivotal roles in shaping his destiny. With a seamless blend of emotions, humor, and a touch of serendipity, this short story offers readers a captivating arc that will leave them yearning for more. Embrace the magic of Zayan's Love Chronicle as he embarks on a journey filled with self-discovery, friendship, and the enchantment of young love.
Italian playboy billionaire Marco Orsini has a dilemma. With the ultimatum to either marry or get disinherited, he must now find himself a wife before his grandfather's birthday--and he entrusts his fate on one woman to find him the perfect bride.
Twenty-nine-year-old Francesa Marcolini never expected that the day will come when the handsome yet hateful playboy billionaire Marco Orisini would barge into her office and announce that he needs a wife. Despite being a teacher of etiquette and personality development, Francesa had no intention of becoming the matchmaker for this arrogant Italian no matter how determined he is for her help. But to Francesca's horror, she finds herself on that very job!
Cover design by Holly Thurston