In a quiet town, where memories lingered in every corner and dreams danced in the air, lived a young man named Sebastian Grey. He possessed a gentle soul and a heart burdened with a secret longing. Deep within, Sebastian carried an unspoken love for his childhood friend, Martin Woodsworth.
Sebastian and Martin had been inseparable since they were little boys, their bond forged by countless adventures and shared laughter. But as time unfurled its tapestry, Sebastian's affection for Martin blossomed into something more profound, something he kept hidden beneath the surface.
Fearful of losing the friendship they held dear, Sebastian concealed his feelings, watching Martin from afar with a mixture of admiration and yearning.
As the years passed, Sebastian and Martin embarked on their separate paths. Sebastian's passion led him to pursue a career in the arts, where he poured his emotions onto graphic design, while Martin delved into psychology , his drive and and willingness to help others propelling him forward. Despite the physical distance that grew between them, their connection endured, though Sebastian's love for Martin only deepened with time.
In the depths of his soul, Sebastian carried a flame that burned with unrequited love, a flame that refused to be extinguished. He yearned for the day when he could confess his feelings, when the weight of his hidden desires would be lifted from his shoulders.
As the seasons changed and nostalgia whispered through the town, Sebastian's longing grew stronger. He knew he had to confront his unrequited love, to lay bare his heart's desires. With trembling hands and a determined spirit, he set out to find the courage that had eluded him for so long.
Join Sebastian on his journey as he unravels the threads of his emotions, discovering the power of vulnerability and the beauty that can arise when hearts finally find the courage to embrace their deepest desires.
It was gradual. Lucas had always been there, but it was always as his brother's friend, not his own. Not really. When they began hanging out more, Caleb began realising there was a lot he never knew about the boy, and he began wanting to learn everything he could about him.
With his brother's both having moved away for school, Caleb had the chance to learn more about Lucas than ever before. He didn't stop to think that that goes both ways, but maybe that's just what he needed. Maybe the love he sought was right there in front if him.
Find out how Caleb slowly falls into to despair and love. Is that not an oxymoron? Which emotion is stronger?
Seriously, it's a slow burn. Slow is in the title.
*This is a bxb that deals with sensitive themes and mature subjects. Take care.*