Sadia Clarke dreamed of living a peaceful life, without a care in the world. She wanted to be able to walk the streets of her home town without having to worry about being killed by a gang member. Sadia lived just outside Seattle in a town called Kirkland, there wasn't as much gang violence as there was in Seattle but it was still on the rise. Although Sadia lived outside the district her parents decided to send her to Kennedy High, a filthy disgusting excuse for a school. The only reason they sent her there was so that she could see first hand what the world was really like. You see Sadia was an optimist, and chose to believe that all people had a good side, and that the world could be a good place. Her parents decided she needed a reality check and sent her to that dump, right in the center of a "Free Fire" zone. Sadia wanted nothing to do with the gangs or stoners at that school but nonetheless she was kind and pleasant to everyone she talked to. One day she met a boy who sat next to her in chem class and decided to be friendly. It wasn't reciprocated immediately but by the end of the class he had warmed up to her. Fear and adrenaline effect people in different and Weird ways, what happens when three robot teachers try and assassinate the boy she grew rather fond of? How will he react when he finds she had been kidnapped by his rival gang?All Rights Reserved