"Kingdom of Dragons" is an epic tale of bravery, redemption, and the triumph of compassion over darkness. In the vast land of Drakoria, once ruled by a malevolent king, King Eldric, a young boy named Cribin dreams of becoming a protector of the realm. However, destiny has far grander plans for him. When Cribin encounters a wounded dragon named Draconis, an unbreakable bond forms between them, and together, they embark on a journey to unite humans and dragons.
As rumors of King Eldric's cruel intentions to conquer every village in the kingdom spread, Cribin, with the support of his father, John, and a band of brave warriors, leads a resistance against the tyrant. In the midst of the fierce battle, Cribin discovers the three young wives of King Eldric, who had been held captive, and they join him in his fight for justice.
In a climactic showdown, Cribin confronts King Eldric, but instead of seeking revenge, he shows compassion, and the once malevolent king chooses redemption. Together, they form an alliance to rebuild the kingdom with unity and compassion as their guiding principles.
Under Cribin's wise and compassionate rule, the kingdom flourishes, and the bond between humans and dragons becomes an example for neighboring realms. The Dragon Riders, a group of skilled warriors, are founded to protect the realm and maintain peace between humans and dragons.
Throughout their journey, the characters face challenges and obstacles, but their unwavering commitment to compassion and unity leads them to triumph over darkness. As the tale of Cribin and King Eldric's redemption journey spreads, it becomes a legend, inspiring generations to come and leaving a lasting legacy of compassion and unity in the Kingdom of Dragons.
Clea Mccoy never wanted to fall into the world of dragons, she didn't even know they existed until today. All thanks to a witch she never even met, she is thrown into the world of chaos with dragons, witches, werewolves and evil kings. With no way of getting home, she is forced to make a new life in this new world with the new people she has met.
However, the people she will meet are like no-other. One is dying, another is out for revenge, there's a girl who locks herself apart from everyone else, and a boy who won't leave her alone. She hardly has any time to collect her thoughts about what has happened to her as she is thrown into the middle of a war where the good side is loosing.
How can Clea come to grips with her new life? How can she find away to let the people around her in? Will she ever really trust them, or will they ever really trust her?