Born into the renowned Kamado family as the younger cousin of the legendary Tanjiro Kamado, Ninomae Akishiro was raised with stories of bravery and sacrifice in the face of darkness. Inspired by her older cousin's heroic deeds as a Demon Slayer, Akishiro grew up with a burning desire to protect humanity from the malevolent demons that threatened their existence. Now, five years have passed since the fall of Muzan Kibutsuji, and a new challenge emerges.
In the year 1931, rumors spread like wildfire of demons resurfacing in a secluded mountain, its eerie landscape enveloped by Wisteria trees. Drawn to the call of duty and seeking to honor his cousin's legacy, Akishiro embarks on a daunting journey to become a Demon Slayer, knowing that she must follow in Tanjiro's footsteps to confront the looming darkness.
With unwavering determination and the encouragement of his family, Akishiro sets out to master the arts of the Demon Slayer Corps. Under the tutelage of experienced swordsmasters, she hones his skills with the Nichirin sword and learns the ancient breathing techniques passed down through generations. However, the path of a Demon Slayer is not only about mastering combat skills but also about understanding the demons' nature and forging bonds of camaraderie with fellow slayers.
As Akishiro delves deeper into the Wisteria-surrounded mountain, she faces formidable demons, each with unique abilities and tragic pasts that fuel their malevolence. The journey is fraught with peril and internal struggles, as Akishiro grapples with the weight of her cousin's legacy and the responsibility to protect humanity.
Along the way, she encounters other aspiring Demon Slayers, forming bonds of friendship and solidarity with those who share his noble cause. Despite the challenges, Akishiro's spirit remains unyielding, inspired by the memories of Tanjiro and his friends who stood as pillars of hope in the face of darkness.
Madison Bamford has always lived on the small island, Outer Banks, some might even call it paradise on earth. The Bamford family was well known, being one of the most influential families around. If you wanted to be someone in the Kook hierarchy you would try and become close to them.
Maddy had always been the perfect girl in everyone's eyes, she would do as she was told and she was amazing at pretending everything was perfect.
That perfect life was about to change when she gets closer to the blonde Cameron boy, it started to make her think about choosing between good and evil. Because love makes you human and yet it makes you go beyond humanity.
!Mature Content!
1st in #rafecameron -04.04.23, 07.06.23
Season 1 - completed 6. April 2023
Season 2 - completed 17. May 2023
Season 3 - completed 25. November 2024
Season 4 -