In the mystical world of the Blue Market, a hidden underground city teeming with wonders and secrets, nineteen-year-old Lara embarks on a life-changing journey. With her turquoise eyes, tanned skin, and a heart full of curiosity, she stumbles upon the market through an abandoned railway station.
Roaming the vibrant streets, Lara encounters people of diverse cultures, each drawn to this enchanting realm of spices, food, and treasures. Guided by fate, she finds her way into the awe-inspiring Secret Garden, a sanctuary of breathtaking beauty and solace.
Amidst the magical splendor, Lara encounters Seraphina, the guardian of the garden, who speaks of destiny and a greater purpose. As she immerses herself in this hidden world, the Blue Market begins to whisper to her, guiding her to the mysterious Manor of Whispers.
There, Lara meets Evangeline, a woman shrouded in wisdom and warmth, who reveals that the Blue Market has chosen her for an extraordinary adventure. Encouraged to embrace her journey with an open heart, Lara sets forth into a world of dreams and enchantments, where her courage, wonder, and choices will shape her destiny.
Intrigued by the promise of magic and untold mysteries, readers will be captivated by Lara's transformation from an ordinary young woman into a seeker of truth, ready to uncover the secrets hidden beneath the surface and embrace the wonders that await her in the underground city. The Blue Market promises an unforgettable tale of self-discovery, friendship, and the power of destiny that will leave readers yearning to explore its enchanting depths.
As 16-year-old Neveah Wilson realizes she has powers after jumping off of an ancient Blue Bridge to commit suicide, she has nothing left to do but run.
After all, she only has herself, she doesn't count her mom as a family at least not anymore. As Neveah Wilson learns to control her powers, learns what she is, and more she finds herself running from her old life and the people that are after her powers. It doesn't help when she finds out vampires are real, or the fact that she is one of the most powerful witches alive.
Part of the book:
"I lean down as I usually do except this time it wasn't the same. This time I leaned down and jumped off of the blue bridge. My insides were aching, as my body uncontrollably trembled. I am going to die, a smile crosses my face as I take my last breath. Goodbye world, goodbye home.
"Suicide? why would she do that? Someone had to push her off." I hear women say. I quickly sit up as I realize that women are my mom. "Oh you're awake, how are you feeling?" She says. "I'm fine," I say, but I'm not, I'm exactly the opposite. I was supposed to die."
I hope you all enjoy this new story and sink into this book of mystery, wonder, fantasy, romance, and a slice of humor.